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In addition to the tuition expenses, you will also be responsible for the following approximate expenses. (Note: All expenses, including tuition, are subject to change without notice.)

Item Approx. Cost
Uniforms, lab coats $150
Shoes $40
Instrument kit (includes tax) $7,500
Clinic supplies (second year) $250
Safety glasses, supplies $40
Books (total varies each semester)
Some books are used more than one semester
Student membership in ADHA ($115 per year) $230
Background check $40
CPR certification ($45) $45
Transportation to outside clinical affiliations $100
Immunizations $200
Dental loupes with light (recommended) $1,800
Miscellaneous (poster/presentations, class expenses) $160
Approximate total cost above tuition $12,555

Financial Aid and Course Credit Hours

Course credit hours for the Dental Hygiene Program vary each semester. For example, in the first semester of the program, Sociology is listed as a general education course to take along with your dental hygiene courses for a total of 14 credit hours.  However, most of our students have already taken this prior to acceptance in the program.  Therefore, the total credit hours would be 11. This may also happen in the last semester of the program where the COMS course is listed.  Please note, we recommend that you take these courses PRIOR to entering the program.  The curriculum is rigorous and demands a great deal of your attention.  Please also be aware that If you have less than 12 credit hours, this will affect the percentage of financial aid award.  Please discuss with your financial aid officer at 赌钱app可以微信提现.